
Text update

I'm just stopping in to say a quick Hi, and give a text-only update of what I've been knitting. (I'm sorry...I need to take photos of things which I will do later but for now hopefully this will suffice.)

So, I've been frantically knitting away at my baby shower gifts for my sister-in-law for this weekend. (This being my main excuse for not blogging...I have been knitting you see...deadline knitting. Oh, and I had to make the invitations too, which took longer than I'd expected them to. But I digress.) Anywho...as I've mentioned before I am making the Devan cardigan from Knitty, and then I am also making matching booties from Saartje's Bootees pattern. So cute! The sweater is all knitted up, washed and blocking, so now I'm ready to add the buttons. I finished the knitting portion of the booties, which only took me two evenings, and am ready to tackle the finishing. I think they're going to be just a little cute. :o)

The cardigan came out looking rather cute too, with the self-striping yarn acting a little haphazardly, but looking deliberate at the same time, I think. Sort of rustic stripes. Anyway, the perfectionist in me finds it acceptable, so I'm sure my sister-in-law will too! The buttons I found are cute little square ones in different colors. It was tougher than I thought to find buttons...a huge wall of buttons in the store in every color imaginable, and it still took me 45 minutes to find the right ones (or so my husband whined reported).

Back soon with photos, I promise!

1 comment:

KnittyLynn said...

Can't wait to see all the knitterly goodness. Now go knit!