Well, since this seems to be working now...I guess I'll try posting a little knitting content. My current knitting time is being spent working to finish up some gift mittens for a friend, and my hot pink fingerless mittens. This photo is old; I've since finished and re-finished the first one. Note too that I am aware this is a less than stellar photo, I just can't get it to photograph well, can't see the cable detail. Trust me, it's a pretty pattern.
I finished the first one and decided it was too long in the hand section to be a useful mitt while typing or such, and also the ribbing was too loose since it was done on the same size needles. So I painstakingly un-cast-off and then tinked back a few rows (I have little confidence in my ability to pick up loose stitches if I just frog back). I then reknit the ribbing in size 3's and it came out much, much better. Now I'm trucking along on the second one.
The pattern I am using can be found
here; scroll down and on the left is a pattern called "*Cabled Fingerless Gloves". The yarn is called Moda Dea Cartwheel in Raspberry.
The reason I am trying to desperately to finish these mittens is because I am anxiously awaiting my first installment of the
Rockin' Sock Club shipments. Yay! So excited. I am psyched by the mystery of it all, and I think I'll be happy with anything they send our way because I've looked at all their colors and they're all beautiful. Very excited about this new venture.
Guess that's it for now. Off to see about further customizing this blog. Still annoyed that though they've made it quick and easy to edit, there seems to be no way of doing some of the simple things I did before. sigh.